Image: Robin Glauser (2019)
In this session of the 2024–2025 ASCA Cities seminar on ‘Playable Cities’, Christoph Borbach and Max Kanderske (University of Siegen) will give a guest lecture on “Playful Resistance: Sensor-Counter Practices in Urban Environments“ followed by an open discussion. The session takes place on Friday 16 May 2025, 3.00-6pm in room 0.16 (E-lab), Turfdraagsterpad 9, Amsterdam. For more information and registration, please contact Linda Kopitz (
Salter, Chris. 2022. Sensing Machines: How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Scholz, Sebastian. 2021. “Sensing the ‘Contemporary Condition’: The Chronopolitics of Sensor-Media.” Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 41 (1): 135–56.
The readings can also be accessed via this link.
Co-organized by Carolyn Birdsall, Linda Kopitz and Alex Gekker.